1. Turn off and unplug the printer. Duh.
2. Prop open the top so you can work. I used a screwdriver under the hinge.
3. Wet a q-tip in plain water and *important* shake off the excess. Don't drip water into the printer guts. Again, duh.
Carefully wipe off both sides of the encoder strip until it looks
translucent gray. I did this by gently twisting the strip so I could
press downwards with the q-tip. Do all of it that is exposed then slide
the carriage to the other side and clean the strip section that was
hidden by it. Be careful, if it breaks you're screwed.
5. Dry the
strip. I used my fingertips. If you use a rag be sure it's soft and
lint free. IMPORTANT: Dry it only from left to right towards the spring.
Going the other way might cause the strip to fall off. And again,
you're screwed.