1: open up the printer's back cover
[you will find there two boards... you need to focus on the smaller one]
2: find the 93c66 chip [it's a tiny chip on the board as shown in this picture: the chip you are looking for is the one
that has that green wire on it... yours won't have the wire on it...]
focus on pins 1 & 4 [looking at the picture will help you identify
them... in the picture... it's the two pins that are connected with the
green wire]
4: as soldering might be difficult [it was for me :P]
you can find a paper clip, open it up... and connect the two ends to
the two pins [imagine that the green wire is actually your paper clip]
IMPORTANT: don't touch the paper clip with your fingers, use some
nippers [gosh :)) i don't know the word in english for this :P ... it's
"cleste" or "patent" in romanian]
5: as you have the paper clip connected, turn the printer on... wait for 15 seconds...
you will pay attention to the control light on the front of the
printer... you will notice that it will be red for a while, and then
green... don't exactly know the order :P]
6: turn the printer off... disconnect the paper clip...
7: put the cover back...